IFM Immobilien AG makes every effort to make sure that the information provided on this Web site is accurate, up to date, and complete. However, IFM assumes no warranty or liability for the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information provided here, or the information on any sites linked to by this Web site, either directly or indirectly. IFM is not responsible for the content of sites reached by way of the links provided here. IFM reserves the right to change or amplify information without notice. This Web site contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current beliefs of the management of IFM Immobilien AG. The estimates and projections given here involve risks and uncertainties. For that reason, IFM cannot warrant that events will occur as indicated in forward-looking statements. Consequently a variety of factors may cause the actual future results and performance of IFM Immobilien AG to differ materially from the expectations and assumptions stated here.
Such risk factors particularly include the regulatory environment of the real estate market, measures taken by regulatory and permit-issuing authorities, the permit environment, and changes in the real estate industry in those countries where IFM Immobilien AG does business. Other uncertainty factors include acceptance and demand for real estate, competitors? conduct, and uncertainties as to whether developed properties can be let at the expected prices. Account must also be taken of restructuring measures, corporate takeovers, changes in national and international legislation (including but not limited to matters regarding taxes), as well as additional risk factors and events that are disclosed in annual reports and other declarations by the Company. IFM Immobilien AG assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. IFM disclaims all liability for any direct or consequential loss or damage, including loss of profits, that arises from information made available on this Web site. No information provided on this Web site is to be construed as a solicitation to buy stock of IFM Immobilien AG or any securities associated with IFM Immobilien AG.